How Can You Introduce Cannabis To Seniors in Kitchener?

Posted on September 19, 2022
how can you introduce cannabis to seniors in kitchener

As a part of the cannabis-loving community, I Love Smoke always encourages new people to learn about and try cannabis. It’s not just for stoners, as the media would have you believe. People of different backgrounds are increasingly turning to cannabis for its many benefits.

Cannabis can be a healthy addition to the lives of seniors. It can help with pain management and so many other medical-related benefits.

But today, we are not here just to tell you the medical benefits seniors can get from cannabis. We want to talk about how you can introduce this natural medicine to your loved ones who are seniors.

We are here to break down some stigmas attached to cannabis and show you how easy and approachable it can be.

How often have you tried and received a not-so-pleasant answer when approaching the topic with a senior?

  • “Cannabis is for stoners.”
  • “It’s too dangerous.”
  • “It will kill your brain cells.”
  • “You will get addicted.”

All these comments and more are things you might have heard in the past. But seniors are unaware of cannabis as we were a few years back, it’s okay, and we understand that. Seniors are not very close to today’s internet, and the amount of available information that says otherwise about cannabis.

The Truth

The truth matters, and who will help them understand it better than you? We are just here to help you understand the facts, it’s your responsibility to reach out to them, and the outcome will also be your responsibility.

The old stigma was driven by limitation and misinformation and nothing else. Sure, a drug like cannabis can affect you, but with time its effect wears off and doesn’t leave you with a hangover like alcohol or other drugs.

Cannabis is not physically addictive like other drugs. You can’t overdose on it and die. The only way it might kill you is if you roll yourself into a ball smoking 100 joints at once, which we highly doubt anyone would do.

It depends on the usage and how a person gets impacted by it. It is why the government took hold of the responsibility in several countries and started to educate their citizens about the plant.

The unrealistic ideas behind the dangerous plant are slowly being replaced by the educated and new generation.

It would be best for you if you spent some time educating your seniors about cannabis and how it can be used for medication. It is a natural plant with several benefits with almost no side effects if used correctly.

We want more people to understand the reality of cannabis, and we are here to help.

Breaking The Old Stigma

As we mentioned, we will not only mention the medical benefits but much more. But highlighting the medical benefits can give you the edge to break the ice.

Cannabis plant is an effective treatment for various conditions and symptoms associated with aging. These include pain, inflammation, sleep problems, anxiety, and depression.

For seniors dealing with chronic pain, cannabis can offer significant relief. It’s important to note that not all seniors will respond to cannabis similarly.

Each person’s endocannabinoid system is unique, meaning everyone will react differently to cannabis. It’s important to start with a low dose and increase as needed.

With passing time, even health deteriorates, and it hits seniors the most. It is hard for them to get a good night’s sleep when they are in pain all day; that is where cannabis comes in as a helping hand.

Cannabis can help improve sleep quality by reducing pain and anxiety. It can also increase daytime energy levels and reduce daytime napping.

Many seniors do not like to get prescribed painkillers or any other type of medication for the problem they are suffering from. Since doctors are also looking into the benefits of cannabis, it is a good way to take them to a doctor who can prescribe cannabis for their problems.

This will not only help them get better treatment but also give them an insight that cannabis is not as bad as they thought it was.

Cannabis can be used in many ways, including smoking, vaporizing, tinctures, and edibles.

Even if they dislike the fact that they are being educated about cannabis, a positive entity like doctors giving them the highlight may make them want to try it out for their benefit.

As a caregiver or family member, you must educate them about the plant and its reality to make an informed decision.

Ways Seniors Can Use Cannabis

We understand that seniors may be hesitant to try cannabis, especially if they have never used it before. But there are many ways to consume cannabis, not just smoking it.

For instance, they can try cannabis-infused topical products, which can be applied directly to the skin to relieve pain. Or they can try CBD oil, which does not contain THC and will not get them high.

Cannabis comes in many different forms and is bound to suit your seniors’ needs and preferences.

Do Not Push Them

Since it’s your responsibility to educate them, that does not mean you have to be pushy about it. Coercing or pushing seniors into something they do not want will only worsen things.

They need to be open-minded about trying something new and should want to try it out themselves. Pushing seniors will only create a negative image, and you are not here to do that.

Bottom Line

This guide covers everything from the basics of cannabis to more specific information on how seniors can use cannabis for their health and well-being.

Always make sure to buy weed for you and seniors from a trusted online weed dispensary like I Love Smoke, so you can be sure about the quality.

We hope this guide has helped you understand how you can introduce cannabis to seniors in Kitchener. In recent years, cannabis has become increasingly popular not only among the young but also among seniors. As people are becoming more open-minded about its uses, many are wondering how they can introduce cannabis to seniors in their life. If you are in search of high-quality weed, contact us today!

Written by: I Love Smoke

Written by: I Love Smoke

‘I Love Smoke’ got established with the idea of making weed available in different regions of Canada, including Hamilton, Woodstock, and Cambridge, at reasonable prices.

If you are searching for high-quality weed products, such as flowers, concentrates, and edibles, I Love Smoke is your source for everything Weed. 

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, and we'll be happy to assist you in every way we can.